Keto Yogurt Almond Cake

Keto Yogurt Almond Cake
The Cake, For
 Greek yoghurt, 1 cup
 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract and 1/3 cup of melted butter
 3 Eggs
 2 lemons, juice and zest
 2 cups Use the following almond flour for this recipe
 Coconut Flour, 2 tablespoons
 Baking soda, 2 tablespoons, and half a cup of erythritol
When The Glaze
 Use this erythritol  to make the recipe’s 1/2 cup of powdered erythritol.
 10 ml of lemon juice
 Hot Water, 2 Tablespoons




Start by bringing the oven up to the necessary 350F temperature (175C). Line a loaf pan with parchment paper and grease it.


Whisk the eggs, yoghurt, butter, vanilla, and lemon in a mixing dish.


Gently incorporate the remaining cake ingredients into the batter with a spatula after adding them.


The bread pan is now filled with the mixture (which you preheated earlier). To make the top level, smooth it.


For around 50 minutes, bake. Let it around 20 minutes to cool.


After turning it off, give it another 20 minutes to rest.

Making the glaze is what we’ll do next. The sweetener (in powder form), lemon juice, and two tablespoons of hot water should all be added to a bowl and whisked together.


The cake should be baked before the glaze is applied. Slice and serve. Enjoy.

Nutrition Facts

Servings 3

Amount Per Serving
Calories 200
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